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Online casinos remain outside the law in Washington State

Gambling at the online casinos in the state of Washington remains a legal no-no, after the latest appeal to overturn the law making it illegal for residents to gamble online was shut down. For years now Washington state has considered online gambling of any form illegal, including gambling at the online casinos, and even went a step further to make it a class C felony. Although no case of any gambler being jailed is known at this time, it remains quite scary to face felony for playing $100 bucks at the blackjack table or a few hand of poker, among with burglars and drug pushers. And actually the poker players are currently the ones fighting the insane law, although without much success.

 Lee Rousso, the regional director of the Poker Player Alliance, is the face on the appeal to overturn the online gambling law in Washington state. Rousso gave it a shot last year, fighting hard for the anti online gambling law to be taken off the books, but failed. Another appeal was scheduled for the end of March and unfortunately the results are equally grim - three judges rejected the appeal and online casinos remain outside the law in the State of Washington.

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